Monday, March 2, 2009

Fast Start Tip To A More Positive You

To see the fastest change in your life,use gratitude to shift your thought energy.When you pull all your energy into seeing and feeling gratitude,you will see miracles start taking place in your life everyday.
To change quickly commit to writing 100 things you are grateful for each day,until you see the change.And feel the gratitude.Your power is going to be in the FEELING that you put into the words of gratitude.
An example of this is I would write down I am grateful for the sunshine, now as I am writing and reading that one sentence I would FEEL the sun-feel the warmth on my skin.
If I write that I am grateful for my coffee I would feel the warm cup in my hands,visually taste the coffee as I sip from my cup.Again the power is in the FEELING.Have fun with this it will take practice but ohhh so worth it to move toward a more joyous,positive life!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this posting and for this blog. I just discovered it via Twitter . . . I tried listing 100 things I am grateful for but could only come up with 40 . . . however I am going to keep working on it all day. Thank you!
