Thursday, March 19, 2009

Negative To Positive

To change the negative to a positive takes practice and consistency.We have the power to change negative thoughts into positive,but we can not do it by resisting the change. By resisting you are choosing the negative path-you are focusing on the negative which brings with it more negativity,misery and pain.Again the law of attraction at work!
To change a negative into a positive,first we have to look for the good and positive things in ANY situation.There is good in every single situation if you look and focus hard enough,and as you look for the good things the law of attraction must present them to you.Remember the law of attraction is absolute.Also command that this change will bring unlimited good and positivity and know and believe in your heart that as you command it,it must be done.This is how you choose the positive path in your life.
Remember look and you will find ,no matter how small or insignificant something good in every situation.

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Life Principle #2

Think progress not perfection.Change happens one choice at a time.We live in a world of instant gratification ,a we want it NOW attitude.We forget that to change something it takes many steps,many choices.Like riding a bike when we were little we did not worry about being perfect the first time out.We wanted to ride that bike !We would fall off time and time again but we didnt give up just because we fell and we were not perfect the first time out.We kept at it and we got a little better each time.Sure we fell,sure it was painful at times but we had a goal a vision in mind so we kept at it.
This is how we learn change,change happens one input at a time.This is how we change our limiting beliefs we change one thing at a time over and over again.
Our intentions list we keep at it like that bike we wanted to ride when we were little.The same with our gratitude lists and our affirmations after awhile it becomes natural like we have been doing it all our lifes.

To live the best life ,a life of positivity we must make it one choice at a time one commitment at a time.One positive thought at a time.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Happy For No Reason

Just a youtube video I found for you today
Happy For No Reason
I couldn't help but smile!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Life Changing Principles

Today I want to talk about a basic life changing principle.Listen to this,really read the words....CHANGE IS EASY....THINKING ABOUT CHANGE IS HARD!
What a great concept!
Now we now all of this is going to be hard but in order to live a life of positivity,abundance and joy we have to do it, we now it is worth it.
Now we have made the intention lists and the gratitude list,we have said are affirmations each day some of us might have even made vision boards.Now what? You are asking your not seeing results you are getting frustrating etc...
Let me ask you this have you ever tried to break a bad habit? Have you given up, been frustrated it is too hard you thought.Well all of this is completely normal! We naturally resist change of any kind especially if we are unsure of the outcome.Yet like a bad habit we are trying to break ,if we truly COMMIT to ourselves and are doing it FOR ourselves then we break what ever habit it is ....WE CHANGE!!!
Data shows that it takes on average 21 days to create or break a habit.
So going from a negative person to being one that is completely positive and a deliberate creator would be the same it takes practice and commitment.
Once you have made the commitment to change and start taking actions to change then the resistance starts to fall away.You will find that many of the things you have been struggling with will fall easily into place.Activities and choices that are not in alignment with your best life will start to lose there appeal.
You will start attracting the people and resources you need in order to create your biggest dreams and goals once you shift your belief about what you think you can accomplish.
Remember always that we are retraining our belief systems that we have learned along the way.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

More On Gratitude

So to pick up from the last post about writing a gratitude list,we are going to start seeing changes in ourselves and what we focus on. You will almost automatically without conscious thought be spending more time focusing on the things you appreciate in your life. You start focusing on the things you already have that bring you joy or that you enjoy doing,and you find yourself giving less energy and focus to the things in your life that are stressful.
This tiny little shift in balance if done everyday will quickly and easily turn the tides in your favor.As you start easing up on the things in your life that are stressful or wrong and shift your focus more to the things that are right in your life,that you are grateful for ,you will see that the wrong things in your life start to fade away giving you room to receive more of the things you enjoy. It is only a little shift in our mindset but it can be one of the most difficult for us to do,we are breaking a mental habit after all that has been there for decades!
If we do this everyday, like pushing something down a hill ,at first it is slow but then it speeds up and gains momentum it will lead to better and better days.You will realize that your life has taken on a new direction -one of peace,happiness,joy,prosperity and positivity.
As you see yourself as a positive person so does the world. Remember the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like. You can no longer lose!

So an easier way to look at it- If we move in a positive direction, things will only accelerate more and more in the positive direction. If we are moving in a negative direction, which many of us are, things will only get worse. Begin to change your habits of focusing on the negative and focus more on the positive; have gratitude and truly feel grateful for the things you do have, and more – much more – will be given to you!
Have a positive day till next time

Monday, March 2, 2009

Fast Start Tip To A More Positive You

To see the fastest change in your life,use gratitude to shift your thought energy.When you pull all your energy into seeing and feeling gratitude,you will see miracles start taking place in your life everyday.
To change quickly commit to writing 100 things you are grateful for each day,until you see the change.And feel the gratitude.Your power is going to be in the FEELING that you put into the words of gratitude.
An example of this is I would write down I am grateful for the sunshine, now as I am writing and reading that one sentence I would FEEL the sun-feel the warmth on my skin.
If I write that I am grateful for my coffee I would feel the warm cup in my hands,visually taste the coffee as I sip from my cup.Again the power is in the FEELING.Have fun with this it will take practice but ohhh so worth it to move toward a more joyous,positive life!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Make An Intentions List

This is a very powerful tool when it comes to manifesting with the Law of Attraction.An Intention list is a list of everything you want and hope to accomplish.So how do you create one.Think about all the things you want and write them down.Yes you have to write!You can write anything like a new car,a better relationship in work or your personal life,a new t.v,a vacation.Write them down one line at a time until you have exhausted all your desires.Do not get discouraged if you don't end up with as many as you thought,more will come as the hours and weeks go by just come back to your list each time something comes to you and write it down.
Now once you have created your list you should be in an excited state of mind,which by the way is excellent way to start manifesting,you need to take your list and place it somewhere that you can see it everyday.In your bedroom on a closet door,above the coffee pot.
You don’t need to read your entire list every day!(let that sink in)You Do Not have to READ it everyday yet you SEE it. Certain items will jump out at you as the most attractive, and what you should do then is to highlight those items.
Now each day when you pass your list, stop for a moment and read over the highlighted items. Imagine the feeling you will have when you obtain that item. Feel your excitement and happiness. Then continue with your day. By placing a little more energy into your intent day after day, you will find that several of your highlighted items will manifest quickly. When something on your intention list manifests, merely put a nice big check mark by it and highlight another item you desire.

Little by little, you will find that the items on your list are manifesting in your life, and week by week your unchecked highlighted items will be changing. The more this occurs, the more you will believe in the process, and the faster other items will manifest. You will quickly find that an intention list will be something you always want to keep around. They are fun to write, fun to read, and most importantly, that fun translates into emotion which translates into energy which translates into manifestation!
When you have completley highlighted and check marked everything on your list keep it,tuck it away somewhere.One day you may enjoy looking back through past lists and seeing just how much success you’ve had with the Law of Attraction.

How Do We Change

Most folks are about as happy as they
make up their minds to be."

Abraham Lincoln
Our present attitudes are habits, built from the feedback of parents, friends, society and self, that form our self-image and our world-image.

These attitudes are maintained by the inner conversations we constantly have with ourselves, both consciously and subconsciously.

The first step in changing our attitudes is to change our inner conversations.
You see this statement in many books and writings.We are programed by the life around us.
In order to change we must practice
consciously to replace our subconscious thoughts with positive. So how do we do this? One exercise is to use a mirror,everytime you look in the mirror say to your self either silently or outload "I love you" word for word we say it to our children ,a partner ,our family but we dont say it to the one that matters the mosts OUR SELF!
Try it,do it for a week every chance you get with meaning it will feel awkward at first,but keep at it. It is the fastest way to a new you,a confident,POSITIVE you!

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