Sunday, March 1, 2009

How Do We Change

Most folks are about as happy as they
make up their minds to be."

Abraham Lincoln
Our present attitudes are habits, built from the feedback of parents, friends, society and self, that form our self-image and our world-image.

These attitudes are maintained by the inner conversations we constantly have with ourselves, both consciously and subconsciously.

The first step in changing our attitudes is to change our inner conversations.
You see this statement in many books and writings.We are programed by the life around us.
In order to change we must practice
consciously to replace our subconscious thoughts with positive. So how do we do this? One exercise is to use a mirror,everytime you look in the mirror say to your self either silently or outload "I love you" word for word we say it to our children ,a partner ,our family but we dont say it to the one that matters the mosts OUR SELF!
Try it,do it for a week every chance you get with meaning it will feel awkward at first,but keep at it. It is the fastest way to a new you,a confident,POSITIVE you!

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